Congratulatory Letters
If you or someone you know is celebrating an important birthday or anniversary you can arrange a letter from your State Member, Premier, or Prime Minister. If you would like more information on how to arrange a congratulatory letter please contact the Coomera Electorate office on 1800 224 650 or Please note that congratulatory letters can take up to six weeks.
Alternatively, if you know someone from the local community who has done something great please take time to let Michael know by completing the online form.
Book a Marquee
Please contact the Coomera Electorate office to talk with the staff about how you can hire Michael's local member marquee for your next local event.
Enrol to Vote
You can enrol to vote, change your address or check your enrolment details on the Electoral Commission Queensland website at
Justice of the Peace
If you would like to become a Justice of the Peace you can find more information at If you would like information on local JP Services please contact the Coomera Electorate office on 1800 224 650
Grant Funding
The Queensland Government has established a website to assist you with finding grant opportunities. More information can be found at
Alternatively, if you would like Michael to write a letter of support for a local grant application please complete the online form or contact him via the Coomera office.
Useful Links
Gold Coast City Council –
Queensland Electorate Commission –
Liberal National Party –
Queensland Parliament –
Queensland Ombudsman -
Seniors Discounts -
Invite Michael to your event
If you would like to invite Michael to your community event, meeting or function within the Coomera Electorate please email your invite to
Office Assistance
If you are a local not-for-profit organisation Michael would love to assist you by offering free black and white photocopying and folding at his Coomera office.
If you would like more information on how you can book in a time to use these facilities please contact the Coomera Electorate office.
Coomera Community Survey
© 2014 Black Fox